Mother/Daughter Weekend


Friday, August 12th - Sunday, August 14th, 2022

2022 SIGN UP FORM: Coming Soon

Friday, August 13

2:00 pm: Shuttle departs Portland Airport

3-5 pm: Arrival

5:30 pm: Welcome Party & Waterfront Dinner

7:15 pm: Karaoke Night

8:30 pm: Campfire & S’mores

Saturday, August 14

8:30 am: Breakfast

9:30 am: Activity Period 1

10:30 am: Activity Period 2

11:30 am: Activity Period 3

12:45 pm: Lunch

2:30 pm: Somer Cup

4:15 pm: Free Swim

6:15 pm: Dinner

7:15 pm: Game Night

8:30 pm: Campfire and Milk & Cookies

Sunday, August 15

8:30 am: Breakfast

9:30 am: Activity Period 1

10:30 am: Activity Period 2

11:30 am: Activity Period 3

12:45 pm: Lunch & Departure

Mother/daughter weekend is open to both current and prospective families and friends. The cost is $225 for adults and free for kids! Sign up here!

Mother-Daughter Weekend FAQ