Age Groups & Cabins

Our unique division and cabin names date back nearly 100 years and will always connect Somerset campers of the past and present.

The Den

Little Den: Completed 1st or 2nd

Cabins: Chipmunks, Bunnies, Squirrels

Lower Den: Completed 3rd Grade

Cabins: Woodchucks, Groundhogs, Badgers,Possums

Upper Den: Completed 4th Grade

Cabins: Colts, Cubs, Pandas, Koalas, Owls

For the youngest campers, full of energy and creativity, The Den program offers a very structured schedule focused on maximizing exposure to all the activities that Somerset has to offer. Campers travel in an activity group along with other friends from the same division, and are guaranteed to swim every day plus experience the thrill of waterskiing, gymnastics, the adventure course, tennis, dance, culinary arts, and much more. For these campers typically away from home for the very first time, Somerset is a safe space focused on kindness, fairness, and respectful communal living.

Deer Trail

Lower Deer Trail: Completed 5th Grade

Cabins: Purple Moose, Crimson Stag, Golden Doe, Silver Hart, Green Gazelle, White-Tails

Upper Deer Trail: Completed 6th Grade

Cabins: Noble Buck, Royal Elk, Spotted Fawn, Antlers, Mighty Buffs, Cheeky Llamas

The Deer Trail program accommodates the slightly older camper that has begun to make more decisions on her own. Most of these campers will swim at least four times per week and some of them will start to choose several activities, though they are still required to participate in activities within all five program areas (arts, athletics, adventure, movement, and waterfront). Deer Trail campers get to explore Bar Harbor, one of Maine’s most spectacular destinations, plus the 6th graders will experience the thrill of whitewater rafting. At this age, we focus on paying kindness and compassion forward, with increased emphasis on teamwork, gratitude, and generosity.

The Grove

Lower Grove: Completed 7th Grade

Cabins: Oak Lodge, Pine Lodge, Maple Lodge, Birch Lodge

Upper Grove: Completed 8th Grade

Cabins: Spruce Lodge, Cedar Lodge, Elm Lodge

By now, campers have a much stronger sense of who they are and how they wish to spend their time. A schedule with more electives allows campers to pursue their passions and improve their skills at the activities they love the most. Grove campers will visit Acadia National Park and experience early morning Moose sightings. Time in the cabin or enjoying the company of their bunkmates becomes more valuable for this age group and creates the perfect space to focus on the foundation of strong relationships: tolerance, inclusion, and honesty.


Completed 9th Grade

The summer after 9th grade marks the beginning of a camper’s participation in our leadership program, and the final summer of being a camper. Hideaway is a time for our campers to take pride in being the leaders of camp, and also the benefits of being the oldest. They get to live all together, in one large cabin, with a common room and some special amenities. They have amazing trips and special out of camp excursions. Hideaway campers are expected to:

The Hideaway summer includes trips off-campus, group discussions, leadership and supervisory opportunities at camp, and creative and engaging workshops in communication, assertiveness, problem-solving, and decision making.

Hideaway campers are expected to:

  • Serve as a role model for younger campers as leaders around camp, on League and Cup teams, and at Lakefront.
  • Oversee special events including a regularly-occurring activity during Free Play and the Somer Sendoff!
  • Assist head staff with cabin coverage during staff meetings.
  • Assist at campfire with the letter home, candle-lighting ceremony, patches, and songs.
  • Attend optional Lifeguard or CPR/First Aid training classes.

Hideaway benefits include:

  • Large cabin with expanded bathroom and “living room.”
  • Hideaway sweatshirt with year and name, plus commemorative dining hall plaque.
  • Weekly sleep-ins with breakfast in bed.
  • Special individual call outs to join their League and Cup teams.
  • Enhanced “after hours” programming.
  • Weekly evening ski or boat cruise.
  • Winter “Walk on Water” weekend in Maine, plus summer trip to Canada.