A Day in the Life

While no two days at camp are alike, most days follow a similar schedule. Sundays and Thursdays have alternative programming for special events and trips. Read below for an hour by hour schedule to see what a typical day at camp is all about!

7:15 AM - Early Riser Activity

Ready for an early start? With a different activity each day, you can find yourself getting centered with waterfront yoga, rocking out at somercycle, finishing your friendship bracelet, and so much more.

7:45 AM - Reveille

Good morning, Somerset pals! It’s time to wake up! Listen below.

8:10 AM - Flag Raising & Breakfast

Birthday girls will always raise the flag, but everyone will get their chance. After some announcements, we head into the dining hall for a fantastic breakfast with tons of options along with the daily “Somer Sun,” providing you with all the camp news you need to start your day!

8:45 AM - Cabin Cleanup & Inspection

Keeping your summer home clean is a shared responsbility and your job changes daily. Of course, you must always make your bed and ensure that your drawer and dresser are neat and tidy!

9:30 AM - A1 (First Morning Period)

Time to get going! Your morning schedule will rotate each day so you can experience all that camp has to offer. First up, off to the Art Village for sewing!

10:30 AM - A2 (Second Morning Period)

Now time to head outside for some street hockey! High 70s and not a cloud in the sky…a perfect Maine day!

11:30 AM - A3 (Third Morning Period)

From the land to the sea! Well, the pool at least. It’s time to cool off with instructional swim. At the start of camp, you’ll be placed into one of six swim levels (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) and graduate from one level to the next as your abilities undoubtedly improve!

12:30 PM - Recall

This is a quick turnaround! Get out of your bathing suit, drop off your equipment to the cabin, and get ready for lunch. Listen below.

12:45 PM - Lunch

It’s impossible to not be hungry after such a busy morning. A hot meal like burritos, chicken wraps, or grilled cheese and tomato soup is always accompanied by a fully stocked (and healthy) salad bar.

1:15 PM - Rest Period

With a busy afternoon still ahead, this is some much needed down time to read your mail from home, write some letters, get lost in a good book, or relax with bunkmates.

2:15 PM - P1 (First Afternoon Period)

Back at it! Head up to the Somersault and get your body moving again with gymnastics.

3:15 PM - P2 (Second Afternoon Period)

Calling all future chefs. Please report to your culinary instructional! (Note: some activities such as waterskiing and the adventure course are double periods and would take place during both P1 and P2).

4:15 PM - P3 (Lakefront)

The third and final afternoon period of the day is always “lakefront.” Here, campers can swim, boat, bounce on the inflatables, soar off the banana boat, play gaga, read a book, grab a snack, or just relax in the company of friends.

5:15 PM - Recall

This is some extra cabin time before dinner to change, grab a shower, unwind from a busy day, and prepare for a fun night ahead.

6:00 PM - Flag Lowering & Dinner

Lowering the flag is just the first step in bringing the day to a close. Dinner is always a healthy and well-balanced meal, accompanied by the salad and pasta bars. And don’t forget about dessert, where Friday nights are reserved for ice cream sundae parties, and Sunday is always pie night. You might even get a chance to watch the directors in a pie eating contest!

7:15 PM - Evening Activities

The night is young! Be it a talent show, game show, movie night, campfire, trip into town, and then some, Somerset action does not stop until the sun truly sets.

8:30 PM - Taps, Cookies, and Lights Out

Day is done, gone the sun…A busy day finally comes to a close. Campers taking evening medication make a pit stop at the health center then everyone returns to their cabins for their closing meeting (daily highlights) and cookies. After showering and brushing your teeth, it’s off to bed you go. Lights out begin at 9 PM and vary depending on age. Listen to Taps below.